Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tis The Season

Happy holidays from Simply Nish to Simply you.

In light of the holiday season, and this new time to come, I'd like to invite you to take advantage of the special offers that I will be presenting throughout this time. I don't know the next time it will be available but for now it's here and it is only while supplies last. From now until the 3rd of January I will be lowering the price of all of my cards to $2.50 ea. with a minimum order of 25 cards. Individually sod cards will remain at it's regular price.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Where Creativity Lies

Welcome to Simlpy Nish, a place where you can find creativity and uniqueness to express your self thoughts and feelings towards friends, family and other special people in your life.All products produced through Simply Nish are handmade and crafted with enjoyment and care. The goal when making these items is to provide a quality product that gives you enjoyment and in essence makes you smile. If I've done that than I've done my job.


All items excluding 5x5 greeting cards come individually wrapped in plastic sleeves in order to protect your purchase. Individual card sells have been marked down from their regular retail price of $4.95 as a special online offer. Cards may also be ordered at $2.50 with a minimum purchase of 4 cards plus tax and S&H.